just as i am

美 [dʒʌst æz aɪ əm]英 [dʒʌst æz aɪ əm]
  • 网络就像我一样;葛培理自传
just as i amjust as i am
  1. I am just as I am always at any time .


  2. Just as I am , and what I can become .


  3. You must take just as I am .


  4. Of anything , the captain thought , just as I am .


  5. Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you .


  6. Blessed are you who respect me and love me just as I am .


  7. Then we step it up one notch by learning to say , I am complete just as I am .


  8. Just as I am leaving , the bus driver says : " Don 't forget your picture !"


  9. Somebody loves me , just as I am .


  10. They werecapableof anything , the captain thought , just as I am .


  11. He 's stiII sorry about it , just as I am .


  12. What 's all this fuss I have been making about , thought I to myself-the man 's a human being just as I am .


  13. I doze a bit , then wake as the sun comes up , just as I am accustomed to .


  14. I am convinced of the need to consolidate these achievements , just as I am sure that we all bear responsibility for rebalancing the world economy .


  15. Absolutely , just as I am sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors , priests or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed .


  16. Just as I am now re-writing and shifting the story of how I do life , so must I find compassion for the part of me who still thinks she can do it all .


  17. What has always amazed me about this business is , that often just as I am about to leave , the father , whom the business is named after , presents me with a fresh piece of fruit , such as a nectarine .


  18. I doze a bit , then wake as the sun comes up , just as I am accustomed to . Only this morning I am not rested and I am not at peace and I 'm in no condition whatsoever for meditation .


  19. For instance , we can compare human language with other human communicative systems or non-human communicative systems , just as what I am trying to do .


  20. I can 't be fagged to change for the party-i 'll just go as I am .


  21. I just know myself as I am .


  22. Just as lonely as I am .


  23. I wonder if he has any plans or if he is just as desperate as I am ?


  24. I think this is a feature that " just works " as I am not aware of JetBrains having worked on specific SCA integration .


  25. You slid the note , saying " I enjoyed the competition , congratulations , but we will meet again . " And I take the heart in that , because I think in all I see you are just as competitive as I am and even from a coach standing point .


  26. Well , perhaps you 're just not as organized as I am .


  27. " Shucks ," said the bunny ," I might just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny . "
